
Nós, Yasmin e Matheus, criamos esse site com o intuito de melhorar nosso planejamento do casamento e nos aproximarmos mais de nossos convidados. Aqui temos diversas informações relacionadas à cerimônia e à festa, bem como recomendações de hotéis, passagens e presentes. 
Mal podemos esperar para o grande dia, e contamos com a sua presença! 
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053162a hb a 002

Hotel Monumento San Francisco

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2:00 pm

O momento da entrada do noivo, dos padrinhos, das damas de honra e da noiva. Seguido pela benção do casal e das alianças.

Salón Cimabue

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3:00 pm

O momento para socializar, degustar os aperitivos e tirar fotos.

Claustro de la Fuente

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5:00 pm

O momento para apreciar um delicioso banquete.

Patio de Cristal

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10:00 pm

O momento para se divertir!


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Yellow Cab

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.

Metro Train Network

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.

Point Cook Chateau

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.

Chapel St. Mall

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.

Jazz Lounge

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.

Strike Bar

Let your guests know your recommendations on where to stay. If you've got a hotel room block this is the perfect place to share group codes and any other details.


Whether you've created an online registry, having a wishing well at the venue, don't want any gifts, or would like your guests to make a donation at your favorite charity, your wedding website is the perfect way to give your guests the low down.

David Jones

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